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Forum:Space Explorers %7CAMP%7C Workers
Topic:Navy names R%2FV Neil Armstrong %28AGOR 27%29
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Robert PearlmancollectSPACE
R/V Neil Armstrong arrives at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

The world's largest non-profit organization dedicated to studying marine science and engineering took a giant leap forward on Wednesday (April 6), welcoming its new research vessel, the R/V Neil Armstrong, to its port in Woods Hole, Massachusetts.

The 238-foot-long (72.5 m) ship, which was named in 2014 for the first man to walk on the moon, arrived at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), where it was met by an audience of invited guests that included members of Armstrong's family and a space station commander.

"Welcome to the Neil Armstrong," said Sunita Williams, a NASA astronaut and U.S. Navy Captain who flew twice to the International Space Station. "It's really great to see her here to start her new career."

See here for discussion of the U.S. Navy's naming ships for astronauts.

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