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Forum:Models %7CAMP%7C Toys
Topic:NASA and LEGO partnership%3A Bricks in space
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alexbajaWOW a Lego in weightlessness, that is really cool!

What would be the price of this?

Not only as a flown Lego but also the speed and the distance it would have traveled around planet Earth.

Jay ChladekEven though the LEGO ISS is not available for sale, LEGO should at least consider putting up a building and parts guide on the web in case anybody wants to acquire the right parts to build one.
cspgAlthough I agree with the idea, I do remember someone from LEGO saying that such model wouldn't "work" on Earth — pieces would fall off because of lack of strength to hold them together.
Robert PearlmanA fan built the NASA-inspired 3367: Space Shuttle set and sent it flying suspended from a weather balloon.

My Lego tribute to the end of the space shuttle era. Proving that although retired, this machine can still fly, albeit in toy form.

The launch took place from central Germany and reached a max altitude of 35000m. A 1600g meteo balloon filled with helium was used alongside a GoPro Hero, Spot GPS and of course Lego Space Shuttle model 3367.

alexbajaWhat a fantastic idea, Lego bricks do have a fantastic grip but I hope he glued all the pieces together in order not to jeopardize the mission.

Do you know the distance it traveled? It is great that he managed to retrieve all the equipment for a successful mission. These GoPro cameras are fantastic they are small but HD. I noticed he used a Styrofoam box for protection and for the extreme temperatures.

I really liked his idea. Thumbs up.

Jay ChladekI'll bet he glued it together since water droplets seeping into the cracks could have run the risk of popping some parts off.

That is indeed a cool idea. I am now a little tempted to fly one of my space models on a weather balloon now (it would have to be a small one).

Robert PearlmancollectSPACE
LEGO toys returning from space station on Earth-bound cargo craft

For the astronauts living on board the International Space Station (ISS), it has come time to put away their toys.

Hundreds of LEGO toy bricks are soon to be Earth-bound after spending two years circling the planet as part of an educational partnership between the Danish toy company and NASA. The astronauts have packed the iconic multi-color toys aboard SpaceX's Dragon, a commercial cargo spacecraft, which is scheduled to leave the space station and splash down in the Pacific Ocean on Tuesday (March 26).

RonpurI wonder how long it will take Lego to have these bricks for sale as orbited Lego Bricks?
Robert PearlmanAs mentioned in the article, the plan is to display the models, rather than sell them.

But that said, I was also told NASA is considering perhaps using some of the flown bricks as prizes for a new student-focused educational challenge.

I doubt very much that LEGO will offer any of the bricks it receives back from NASA for sale (it certainly doesn't need the money) but that said it would be a neat idea if, taking a page from NASA's earlier Manned Flight Awareness medals, LEGO melted down some of the flown bricks, added their plastic to their production line and sold a special set of made-in-part space bricks.

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