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Forum:Space Places
Topic:Intrepid Sea%2C Air %7CAMP%7C Space %28NY%29%3A T-38 N913NA
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onesmallstepCraning of the T-38 onto the flight deck has been rescheduled between 9-10 a.m. next Wednesday, April 27, again weather permitting. Until then, it can be seen on the pier next to Intrepid.
Robert PearlmancollectSPACE
NASA T-38 jet reunited with space shuttle Enterprise in New York

A NASA supersonic jet that chased the space shuttle Enterprise as it performed test landings in California 40 years ago has finally caught up with the prototype orbiter in New York City.

The T-38 Talon jet, tail number 913, was hoisted by crane and raised by elevator to the flight deck of the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum on Wednesday (April 27) in Manhattan. The jet's "landing" took place exactly four years to the day since the space shuttle Enterprise arrived in New York for display aboard the converted aircraft carrier.

"Well, it's finally here," said Eric Boehm, the curator of aviation at the Intrepid. "We had the T-38 here [on the pier for] a couple of weeks [but] we had some really bad winds and could not get it up to the flight deck. But we craned it this morning onto the port-side aircraft elevator and brought the elevator up."

"The T-38 is finally home and soon to be on display right outside the space shuttle pavilion building," Boehm said.

AlanCIt's a beautiful aeroplane — the definition of "sleek."
GoesTo11I've probably said it here before, but to me the T-38 is the most aesthetically perfect jet ever... there's nothing you could add, subtract, or change that would be an improvement (especially in NASA livery).
RonpurIt looked pretty sexy as a Thunderbird, too!
GoesTo11It certainly did. Pretty sure those late '70s Thunderbirds were when I first fell in love with the airplane, as I didn't catch the NASA bug until the Shuttle flew.
onesmallstepHad the opportunity to see the USAF Thunderbirds when I lived in Florida during 1975-77, and saw future astronaut (then Capt.) Lacy Veach fly with the team.
Originally posted by GoesTo11:
I've probably said it here before, but to me the T-38 is the most aesthetically perfect jet ever... there's nothing you could add, subtract, or change that would be an improvement (especially in NASA livery).
I agree. I want a model 1:72 scale in NASA livery!

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