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Forum:Publications %7CAMP%7C Multimedia
Topic:Earthrise %28Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee short film%29
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"Earthrise" will be available Nov. 19 on POV Shorts and available for streaming on Following this release, the film will be available on The New York Times website through the newspaper's Op-Docs series.

Robert PearlmanEmmanuel Vaughan-Lee presents his film in its entirety as part of The New York Times' Op-Docs forum.
I've always loved the Earth photography captured during the Apollo missions, and the "Earthrise" image is particularly poignant for me. In all the tellings I watched or read of Apollo 8 — and there are many — I wanted to experience more. I wanted to know the story behind the photograph, to know what it was like for the first human beings to see and experience Earth from space.

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