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Forum:Free Space
Topic:Contest%3A Where over the world is Scott Kelly%7CQUS%7C
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Kelly announced the contest Nov. 8 by posting the following update from his Twitter account, @StationCDRKelly: "Got game? Be the first to correctly name that inkblot on Earth from space."

He posted the first image in the geography contest on Monday, Nov. 15. To play the geography trivia and get other updates from Kelly throughout his mission, follow his Twitter account.

"Expanding our geography knowledge is essential to our economic well-being, our relationships with other nations and the environment," Kelly said. "It helps us make sense of our world and allows us to make connections between people and places. Space exploration is a global endeavor, and the International Space Station is the result of these connections."

cspgIf interested in this geography quiz, you can also use this site.
Fezman92I am so happy! I won the second round!

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