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Forum:Free Space
Topic:Anthony Bourdain%3A Melted meteorite chef knife
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Joel KatzowitzThat is so cool... Anyone who wants to excel at something, anything, needs to watch this.
GilbertI really enjoyed this. Thanks.
WehaveliftoffSaw the program, his knives go for over $200/300 on eBay, expensive but if you don't need to sharpen them...
SpaceyInMNI'm not typically a fan of Anthony Bourdain programs, but this was very interesting.
Larry McGlynnActually, I have a Kramer 10" Chef knife. It is a beautiful and useful tool in the kitchen. It is one of the mass produced version of his handmade Damascus knife made under license by Zwilling JA Henckel in Japan. Those are the $300 to $400 ones that you can buy at Sur de la Table or on the net.

I signed up for an auction, on Kramer's website, of a 10" Chef knife and it sold for $21,100!!! Needless to say, I did not bid on the knife. I could buy a pretty good space artifact or a car for that amount.

Joel KatzowitzWell that explains why his knives on eBay seemed way too inexpensive to me. After watching the video I would have expected them to cost in the thousands of dollars.
Lou ChinalMakes me wish I didn't sell my Randall model #17 a few years back.
Larry McGlynnI still have a Randall astronaut knife. It looks like a Grissom Randall copy.
mach3valkyrieFascinating video! These master craftsmen are a joy to watch. He's only 3 hours travel time north for me. I'd like to visit his shop.

The Randall made Model 17 Astro is basically unchanged since Bo Randall first made them for the Mercury astronauts. Each got one with his name on it. If you factory order one now, it's almost a 5 year wait to get it. Or check on eBay, but pay more money.

Larry McGlynnI was able to pick up the Astro knife that has "Randall Made Solingren" engraved on the blade. There are two small cutlasses engraved on either side of the wording on the blade.

mach3valkyrieSolingen, Germany was licensed to make some Randall Knives. They are well made.

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