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Forum:Space Places
Topic:Alabama Welcome Center%3A Saturn IB rocket
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Robert PearlmanAnother of the eight first stage H-1 engines that was salvaged from the Saturn IB is heading to the Southern Colorado Space Museum & Learning Center in Colorado Springs. From Steve Janssen (via Facebook):
Real good day at the museum today. Special thanks to Earl and Suzanne of the Space Museum & Grissom Center in Bonne Terre, Missouri. They made the trip out to Huntsville, Alabama. and picked up this H-1 rocket engine from the Apollo era. More specifically from the Saturn 1B rocket.

Then brought it all the way out here to Colorado to deliver it to our museum. It's going to be a great addition to the display in front of the museum.

Zoo KeeperThis is the second H-1 engine that The Space Museum and Grissom Center has transported, as the museum received its own engine in April.
The Space Museum and Grissom Center is the new home of an Apollo H-1 rocket engine!

Our museum is uniquely positioned to tell the H-1 engine's history. Rocketdyne built the H-1 engine in Neosho, Missouri just a few hours from Bonne Terre. The plant employed more than 1,000 people in a 250,000 square foot facility that produced rocket engines for the Saturn, Thor, Jupiter, and Atlas boosters. The H-1 is also the type of engine used on the Saturn 1B rocket for Gus Grissom's Apollo 1 mission. We are excited that this H-1 rocket engine will help augment our ability to share Gus Grissom's and the state of Missouri’s story during the Apollo Program!

Seen here is our team's recent visit to Marshall Space Flight Center to transport the engine back to our museum.

Zoo KeeperTwo more of the H-1 rocket engines found new homes in June with the Tulsa Air and Space Museum and the University of North Dakota's John D. Odegard School of Aerospace Sciences.

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