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Forum:Models %7CAMP%7C Toys
Topic:Adam Savage%7CAPO%7Cs %7CAPO%7CProject Egress%7CAPO%7C Apollo hatch
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I also attended, thinking that I would write an article about the build, but as it was not done as a stage show (so no public commentary by Adam) and because I could not stay to the end for a possible interview when he was done, that idea did not come to be.

Here, though, are a few of my photos from that day.

Robert PearlmanAnd here is a photo from the National Air and Space Museum (via Twitter) of the hatch after the build was complete.

dsenechalThanks for the pictures, Robert. Looks like it really turned out well.
garyd2831Here are a couple photos I snapped last week at the Air and Space Museum:

Robert video
To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the moon landing, Adam Savage and the Smithsonian Institution collaborated on Project Egress, a plan to create a LIFE-SIZE replica of the Apollo 11 command module hatch! The build entailed hours of planning, scanning and organizing the 40-plus artists who would contribute parts, and it all culminated on July 18, 2019, when Adam and a team of makers assembled the hatch LIVE at the National Air and Space Museum!

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