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Forum:Publications %7CAMP%7C Multimedia
Topic:A Beautiful Planet %282016 IMAX documentary%29
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NeilPearsonWow, that looks stunning and is (probably!) the closest any of us will get to the feeling of being aboard the ISS, looking back at Earth. Hopefully there'll be a subsequent home release.
Ian LimbreyThis film will definitely be a "value for money" and cannot wait to see it hopefully in London. If this doesn't inspire future astronauts I don't know what will!.
Greggy_DThose IMAX cameras sure have come a long way since the early 80s.
Robert PearlmancollectSPACE
Jennifer Lawrence joins astronaut-studded 'A Beautiful Planet' IMAX premiere

Astronauts and cosmonauts joined a star on the blue — like Earth — carpet Saturday night (April 16) at the premiere of "A Beautiful Planet," the latest IMAX 3D film to be shot in space.

Academy Award-winning actress Jennifer Lawrence, who lends her voice to the movie as its narrator, joined the crew mates whose camera work aboard the International Space Station filled the eight-story tall screen at the AMC Loews theater in New York City's Lincoln Square.

Robert PearlmanTwo new clips:

BMckayThe Blu-ray release date is the 11th of December.

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