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Topic:7%2F19%3A Astronaut Scholarship Foundation 40 Years
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Robert PearlmanAstronaut Scholarship Foundation release
Countdown to Founders' Day

Limited Edition Mercury 7 Foundation Certificate

Throughout our 40th Anniversary, donors have shared many memories, including photos from past events, meeting iconic astronauts and historic items dating back to 1986. Of those signed items was a certificate given to individuals who donated to the Mercury 7 Foundation (now known as the Astronaut Scholarship Foundation) signed by Alan Shepard and Deke Slayton.

In honor of the Mercury 7 Astronaut legacy and celebration of our 40th Anniversary, we're thrilled to announce that we are reproducing the Mercury 7 Foundation certificates. Starting today until July 19th, you can donate to ASF to receive a numbered certificate signed by some of our founders and Board of Director members. Your generous gift to ASF will also be doubled thanks to the ASF Chairmen and their families.

  • Make a gift of $1,984 to receive: Numbered certificate signed by Jim Lovell, Charlie Duke, Dan Brandenstein and Curt Brown

  • Make a gift of $719 to receive: Numbered certificate signed by Dan Brandenstein and Curt Brown
Robert PearlmanAstronaut Scholarship Foundation (ASF) Foundation video
Captain Jim Lovell and his children are making a significant contribution to advance ASF into the next 40 years. Watch the video for the announcement.
Robert PearlmanAstronaut Scholarship Foundation release
It's All Thanks to You!

Thanks to our ASF Family, we have reached our Founder's Day $40,000 goal!!! These funds will provide scholarships, mentoring, professional development and other programs that are important to helping advance our Astronaut Scholars.

We appreciated your support as we continue to countdown to our 40th anniversary Founder’s Day on July 19th!

Please continue to celebrate with us and support the Foundation by:

  • Donate $1,984 for an exclusive signed certificate signed by Lovell, Duke, Brandenstein, Brown

  • Donate $719 to receive a certificate signed by Brandenstein and Brown

  • Sign up to give monthly gift of $19.84 to commemorate our founding year – you will receive our commemorative 40th anniversary lapel pin!

  • Make a one-time annual gift

  • Ask your employer to match your giving
Thank you for the investment you have made into ASF throughout the years. We couldn’t have made it 40 years without YOU.

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