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Forum:Auctions - Reviews %7CAMP%7C Results
Topic:%5BLunar Legacies%5D Space memorabilia %28Feb 2019%29
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SpaceAholicInconsistencies with Lunar Legacies' assumptions are rather apparent in the video — lets hope the buyer also reviews the segment. Beyond the video there are other clues in the public domain which would have served as red flags (for example, validating auction house claims against what resides in the national collection might have been a good start).
1202 AlarmPersonally, some of the best items I own were bought from Lunar Legacies. I only posted the video to show that during the live coverage of Apollo 11 launch they mentioned the TV hardware used for the the mission.
thisismillsFor the winner of Jerry Ross' 1980 Astronaut class patch, here is a photo of him from 1982 with most likely this patch on his flight suit. Photo description.

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