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Forum:Commercial Space - Military Space
Topic:%5BDiscuss%5D SpaceX CRS-29 station mission
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GACspaceguyFor those who missed it, here was tonight's supply launch of a Dragon spacecraft to the ISS via a Falcon 9 from here in South East Georgia.

The lower line is the first stage firing, the upper left is the boost back burn that turns the first stage around and back to Cape Canaveral and the LZ-1 landing zone on land (the gap is the coast phase between first stage sep and second stage ignition).

Robert PearlmanNASA update
NASA and SpaceX are postponing the Thursday, Dec. 14, undocking of a SpaceX Dragon cargo resupply spacecraft from the International Space Station due to unfavorable weather conditions as a result of a cold front passing through the splashdown zones off the coast of Florida.

Joint teams continue to evaluate weather conditions to determine the best opportunity for Dragon to autonomously undock from the space station. An update will be provided once undocking is confirmed.

After re-entering Earth’s atmosphere, the spacecraft will splash down off the coast of Florida, which will not be broadcast on NASA TV.

Robert PearlmanNASA update
NASA and SpaceX are postponing the Friday, Dec. 15, undocking of a SpaceX Dragon cargo resupply spacecraft from the International Space Station due to unfavorable weather conditions as a result of a cold front passing through the splashdown zones off the coast of Florida.

Joint teams continue to evaluate weather conditions to determine the best opportunity for Dragon to autonomously undock from the space station with the next available opportunity no earlier than 5:05 p.m. EST Saturday, Dec. 16.

Robert PearlmanNASA and SpaceX are again postponing the undocking of the Dragon due to unfavorable weather conditions. The next available opportunity is no earlier than 5:05 p.m. EST Monday, Dec. 18.
Robert PearlmanNASA and SpaceX now are targeting no earlier than 5:05 p.m. EST on Tuesday, Dec. 19 for the CRS-29 undocking.
Robert PearlmanDue to continuing unfavorable weather conditions, NASA and SpaceX now are targeting no earlier than 5:05 p.m. EST Wednesday, Dec. 20 for the undocking.
Robert PearlmanPoor weather conditions has resulted in another delay. NASA and SpaceX are now targeting no earlier than 5:05 p.m. EST on Thursday, Dec. 21 for the undocking.

Update: Dragon departed the space station as scheduled on Thursday.

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