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Forum:Commercial Space - Military Space
Topic:%5BDiscuss%5D Orbital ATK Cygnus-Atlas V OA-7
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Robert Pearlman
Originally posted by Robert Pearlman:
...George Diller's final time calling a launch
Diller's final launch call:
3, 2, go for main engine start, 1, zero and lift off of the Atlas V rocket with Cygnus and the S.S. John Glenn, extending the research legacy for living and working in space.
SpaceAngelI don't understand why the Cygnus was not launched on the Antares rocket; thought all the bugs were resolved after the 2014 accident...
Robert PearlmanNASA opted for the use of the Atlas V to increase the payload capacity (Cygnus can carry more cargo on Atlas than it does Antares) and for schedule reasons (this flight was originally slated to launch last month, before an Antares rocket would be available.

With OA-8, Cygnus returns to flying on Antares out of the Wallops Flight Facility.

Robert PearlmanFrom Expedition 52 flight engineer Jack Fischer on the International Space Station:
Godspeed and fair winds S.S. John Glenn. Huge thanks to Orbital ATK and NASA Johnson teams for critical space station science and supplies.

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